Updated mission, vision statements plus goals and strategies identify compelling purpose for our organization and clear path forward.
Heartland's A2 credit rating from Moody's reflects our competitive rates, strategic resource mix, financial resilience and more.
Heartland is working on the 2024 plan to ensure reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supply for WAPA customers.
MFA and password managers plus cybersecurity education and training can curtail human error and defend organizations against cyber threats.
Cybersecurity assessments and employee training are necessary to address heightened risks to public power utilities.
Multi-year safety initiative aims to protect vital workers in dangerous working environments by offering protective apparel.
Bi-monthly webinars feature federal, state grant funding and low-interest financing opportunities for Heartland Energy customers.
Revolving loan fund with low interest rates and favorable terms is vital economic development tool in Heartland Energy customer communities.
Heartland Summer Conference helps customers mingle with professionals who may offer insight into promoting and growing their community.