Understand and communicate your utility’s value

January 30, 2017

Register for the Public Utility Governance webinar series

No matter the size of your budget and your utility, every public power community should engage in a strategic dialog with its customers and key stakeholders. Recent national survey results indicate the majority of public power customers do not understand their utility’s value nor its ownership structure. Learn about the unique elements and value proposition of public power’s business model and the challenges it faces as the industry transitions. Hear about the different structures of public power governance and how to determine and communicate your utility’s value to your customers.

Topics include:

  • Understanding and assembling a strategic roadmap for success
  • Knowing how to capture and communicate your utility’s value
  • Assessing the financial health of your utility

Tim Blodgett is president and CEO of Hometown Connections, the utility services subsidiary of the American Public Power Association, and is responsible for Hometown’s overall efforts in delivering value to public power utilities. He and his team have worked extensively with hundreds of APPA members in the areas of strategic planning, governance and organization development. Tim brings experience from the investor-owned and public power sectors. Prior to joining Hometown he was the director of sales for En-able, an affiliate of KN Energy and PacifiCorp, where he assisted energy distribution companies with their customer care programs.


About the series:

American Public Power Association (APPA) is offering a variety of webinars for individuals serving on public power governing bodies (utility boards and city councils). These webinars were developed primarily for those who are new to public power governance responsibilities. Individuals who have served for a number of years on public power city councils and/or utility boards, or utility staff who regularly work with utility governing bodies, will also find these sessions beneficial.

All webinars take place from 1 – 2:30 p.m. Central time. The series includes the following six webinars, which can be taken individually or as a series for a discounted rate:

  • Communicating the Public Power Advantage – Feb 16
  • Public Power Governance Structures, Accountabilities and Processes – March 7
  • Key Financial Targets for Financial Decision Makers – April 6
  • Strategic Planning for Long-Term Effectiveness – May 2
  • Public Power Governing Board Policy Development and Compliance – May 30
  • Board-Driven Performance Evaluation: Governance and Management – July 5

Individual webinars are $99 for APPA members; $199 for nonmembers. The six-part series is $499 for APPA members; $999 for nonmembers. Heartland customers are APPA members and qualify for the discounted rates.

For more information or to register, visit publicpower.org/events.