Relentless drive to satisfy customers
May 5, 2021WW Tire inducted into South Dakota Hall of Fame for Acts of Excellence
The South Dakota Hall of Fame inducted nine “Acts of Excellence” during a special ceremony in April. Included among the inductees was family-run business WW Tire Service of Bryant, SD.

Sponsored by Sanford Health, the Acts of Excellence program highlights the work of South Dakotans who are doing great things each day across the state. Nominated acts can be one event, activity or action or a series of single events.
WW Tire was nominated and selected in 2020 but unable to be formally recognized due to COVID-19. Founder Wayne Weelborg and family members were honored during this year’s ceremony, which also featured an interview with manager and son Shaine Weelborg.
“Service is in our name,” said Shaine. “We try to do our best to provide the very best service in the industry and to take care of our customers … WW Tire is built on family. We consider our employees extended family and that also extends to our customers.”
In his submitted nomination, retired journalist (and 2014 inductee) Terry Woster wrote:
WW Tire Shows Relentless Drive to Satisfy Customers
After years of working for other employers in the tire business, Wayne Weelborg took the challenging step in 1975 of starting his own business. What began as a modest tire shop has grown into a sustainable family operation with locations in several South Dakota cities.
More important than the locations is the customer base, because customer satisfaction has been the driving force for WW Tire from the day it opened.
Struggling at first to find the necessary financing, Weelborg got the boost he needed when a local business leader, Bill Ward, recognize the drive and determination in the young entrepreneur and offered to help turn the dream into a reality. From the start, it has been a family affair, with Wayne directing operations and his wife, Sue, handling the books.
They paid off the initial loan within their first year of operation, and over the years expanded into Watertown, Brookings, Pierre/Fort Pierre, Winner, Huron and Clark.
Over the years, each of the Weelborg children joined the business, as did their spouses. The family photograph says it all.
Local folks say Wayne’s relationship with customers and his relentless desire to provide outstanding customer service represent a daily pursuit of excellence worthy of recognition.

The ceremony took place at Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown, SD. Video of the celebration can be viewed here, with WW Tire’s recognition taking place at the 52:00 mark.
Founded in 1974, the South Dakota Hall of Fame recognizes and honors the individuals and organizations who are helping young people chase their dreams in building a culture of excellence in South Dakota. Each year the Hall of Fame elects up to 10 South Dakotans to celebrate and honor during an annual Honors Ceremony.
In addition to the Acts of Excellence, the Hall of Fame also celebrates Legacy Achievements and Legends & Learning. A Visitor and Education Center is located in Chamberlain, SD.