Despite being a small public power entity, Heartland Energy has a direct line to South Dakota's powerful voices in Washington, D.C.
Heartland joins American Public Power Association in Washington, D.C. to advocate on behalf of our public power customers.
Key policy developments in South Dakota and Minnesota, including bills on smart meters, open meetings, data centers and more.
President Trump's administration raises questions for the industry in areas of federal programs, tax cuts and regulations.
Infrastructure funding, supply chain solutions and grid security will be the focus of APPA's 2024 Legislative Rally.
MN municipal customers of Heartland Energy can utilize RECs to meet 2040 target.
Legislation calling for carbon-free MN by 2040 could increase electric rates and cause rolling blackouts and outages.
Municipalities and electric consumers have options available via the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act.