Fall application cycle opens for DEED student funding
August 2, 2023Utility jobs are difficult to fill. But American Public Power Association (APPA) has a method to foster student interest in careers in energy, thus creating a pipeline of talent.
The Demonstration of Energy and Efficiency Developments program (DEED) offers three types of funding for students to pursue energy-related careers: lineworker and technical education scholarships, student internships, and student research grants.
- Lineworker and Technical Education Scholarships: These scholarships support the education of students working toward lineworker and other technical careers that are in high demand by electric utilities. Students talk about the benefits of a DEED scholarship. Review the scholarship requirements, checklist, and application questions.
- Student Internships: Paid internships provide work experience at a participating DEED member utility. Review the internship requirements, checklist, and application questions.
- Student Research Grants: Student grants provide funding to support research in an energy project sponsored by a DEED member utility. Review the student research grant requirements, checklist, and application questions.
Each type of scholarship serves a unique purpose—from financially supporting students currently enrolled in STEM-related programs to supporting them through work-related avenues such as an internship or research project.
Utility partner
DEED funding is set up to make sure the student interacts in some way with a DEED member utility. Students are required to work with a member public power utility in order to fulfill scholarship/program requirements.
Heartland Energy pays for DEED and APPA membership on behalf of its customers, meaning each utility can benefit from this program.
Parker, SD graduate Jason Ebeling earned a scholarship from APPA in 2022 to help pay for technical education. In conjunction, the city provided a job shadow experience to help him get a glimpse of his future as a lineworker.
“The scholarship program was a win-win for all involved,” said Parker Finance Officer Adam Jans. “We’re helping a student obtain a scholarship for a trade that is in high demand, and it’s of no cost to the city. Hopefully we can do it again in the future.”
Application cycle open
The program currently has two application seasons, one in the spring and the other in the fall. The fall cycle is August 1 to October 15 with applications started before October 5.
High school seniors planning to pursue higher education are eligible. Alternately, students must be attending an accredited vocational institution, lineworker school or two-to-four-year college.
Utilities should read the Utility Guide for Internship Funding to learn how APPA/DEED member public power communities may also apply for an intern.