Commercial Heat Pump Rebates

Comfort is Key

When half of your average energy bill is dedicated to heating and cooling, it’s important to choose the most efficient options. Heating and cooling systems have advanced significantly in design and productivity and choosing to go electric can help save on energy costs while improving overall comfort and quality of life.

The Power Forward heating and cooling rebate program provides rebates for purchasing a new ducted air-source heat pump, mini split heat pump or geothermal heat pump. With lower upfront costs, furthered by Heartland Energy’s rebates, as well as peace of mind, keep your business comfortable by choosing electric.

Ducted Electric Air-Source Heat Pump | $1,000 Rebate

Electric air-source heat pumps use the difference between outdoor air temperatures and indoor air temperatures to cool and heat. Because they move heat from one place to another rather than generate it, they are more efficient than fossil fuel systems. Because they both heat and cool, they eliminate the need for multiple units. Heat pumps must be 2 tons or larger to qualify for the rebate.

Ducted Electric Air-Source Heat Pump with Backup Electric Furnace/Boiler | $2,000 Rebate

Going all electric for your heating and cooling needs increases efficiency, providing cost savings and increased comfort. It also means a cleaner environment with improved air quality. Heat pump must be 2 tons or larger to qualify for rebate. Any backup source must also be electric.

Geothermal Heat Pump | $2,000 Rebate

Geothermal heat pumps are among the most productive and comfortable heating and cooling technologies currently available, because they use the Earth’s natural heat to provide heating and cooling. Any backup source must be electric in order to qualify for rebate.

Non-ducted Mini Split Heat Pump | $500 Rebate

Mini split heat pumps are perfect for heating and cooling individual rooms. They are a great option if no ductwork is available and offer flexibility in zoning individual rooms. Heat pump must be non-ducted and one ton or larger to qualify for rebate. 

Apply by completing the application and turning it into your local utility or city office.

*Must be a commercial or industrial customer of a participating utility. Sioux Falls, SD residents click HERE for rebate information and applications. Madison, SD residents click HERE for rebate information and applications.

Looking for Heat Pump Rebates for your home?


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