Heartland intern named Student of the Month

January 6, 2025

Katelyn Schouwenburg earns award from Heartland Energy and KJAM Radio

Well-rounded and driven, Madison High School Senior Katelyn Schouwenburg has been named December Student of the Month by Heartland Energy and KJAM Radio.

Schouwenburg served as a student intern at Heartland Energy during the fall semester, working in the office a few hours twice per week. Interested in pursuing a business degree, she tackled a variety of projects while at Heartland. She completed research and reporting, compilation of a social media calendar and updated legislative contacts throughout the customer base.

Schouwenburg is ranked at the top of her class and has taken several AP and dual credit courses to prepare her for post-secondary education. She has also been active in sports throughout high school including basketball, volleyball and track and field.

She serves as co-president of Future Business Leaders of America and is also involved in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, youth group and yearbook.

Madison High School Principal Adam Shaw commended her work ethic and determination.

“Katelyn is a great student and leader. She goes above and beyond in the classroom and works hard academically to maintain her high GPA. She will be successful in life due to her GRIT and resilience. We look forward to watching Katelyn close out her senior year and begin the next steps in life.”

Outside of school, she works at a local restaurant as a server. She also enjoys spending time with friends and has recently taken up scrapbooking.

Schouwenburg is the daughter of Mark and Kelli Schouwenburg. After graduation, she plans to attend either the University of Minnesota or the University of South Dakota for a business-related degree.

“Katelyn was a welcome addition to our office,” said Heartland Chief Communications Officer Ann Hyland. “We are especially proud to name her student of the month as we know firsthand what a great person she is.”

Heartland Energy provides wholesale power to the cities of Arlington, Colman, Howard, Madison, and Volga. Each month, a deserving student from one of these communities is honored for their outstanding achievements. Students are nominated by school officials for the award.